Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tuesday, June19, 2007

The theme for today was Forgiveness.

Colossians 3:13

“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

Work at the sites continued. Many stories abound about residents taking in the workers for lunch or attending noontime devotions. One woman shared that she could finally have friends over for a big supper now that her house would be repaired enough to do so. Red shirts magically appeared with frozen milk shakes that quickly melted down workers’ parched throats. Much more painting renovation and soulful renovation occurred throughout the day.

At my site, we had a somewhat extended devotion as the topic of forgiveness is “a heavy”. People had lots to say and share. Much baggage got unloaded. It was a healthy start and young and old alike took to it willingly. I haven't experienced such an outpouring of raw personal experience as I did today in a long time. It was refreshing and revealing, especially the ability and want of some of the youth to "share their worlds".

My group was suffering from my lack of hard core leadership skills (aka yours truly), but a youth pastor from outside Chicago with a great sense of humor showed up to save the day. By workday’s end, the job was looking better and everyone was spent, but in good spirits.

Mike Naumann’s group met their awesome work site transport driver who saw the work campers were in the local paper and bought a personal copy for each and every one of the 7 work camp crews he bussed to sites today! When Mike offered to pay him for them, he wouldn’t hear of it.

Allie was even photographed for the article!

Upon returning, we were getting ready to audition for The Variety Show when I met an older red shirt named Brian who was taking photos everywhere. I told him I saw him everywhere and he looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself. He was thrilled to tell me how young these work campers made him feel! He then offered all his photos to us so I was hoping we’d be sharing some of those with you on our return. I was thinking this was a God Sighting for our group when I subsequently learned my wife, Laurna, had already agreed with Brian to provide Mike his photos. One step behind was I, as usual.

The evening program was extremely powerful. Again, the Get Down Dance was followed by the text from Colossians on clothing ourselves in forgiveness. A skit was followed by nearly everyone taking our need for forgiveness symbolically to The Cross. Many from our group had a very emotional response to this. People congregated at several different places immediately afterward. As I walked the hall, I kept seeing people in each others’ arms. There was deep, deep sharing from well within people, from a place where the heart lives strong and holds onto much. There were many tears shed. I was dumbstruck taking it all in. This is an AMAZING group and I was feeling in awe being in their presence. God is everywhere this week, but The Creator is in Savannah in a way most personal to us. But tonight I experienced seeing how much God was present to many in our group in the form of others in our group. It was very, very powerful. Those moments that “take your breath away” were occurring right before my eyes seemingly everywhere I turned. As all this was happening, a torrential cleansing downpour had water running through the streets as emotions, from individuals’ needs to render forgiveness to others’ needs for it flowed from person to person before my humbled eyes.

God Sighting: The rain that poured, pounding the roof of the auditorium at JUST the opportune moment, as hearts outpoured beneath it, making the illustration for us that cleansing is a good and powerful thing.

We auditioned for the Variety Show by rewriting the Banana Boat Song to render it Work Camp Worthy. If we make the cut we’ll report back. Tuesday saw the opening of the Care Card Rack! Work campers can leave positive notes of thanks, encouragement, high fives, smiles on paper for a fellow work camper. I have to echo one of Mike Naumann's Hi's from devotions: "I just love care cards!"

At devotions, more heartfelt tears were shed and hugs extended … in appreciation for all the support people gave to one another. This group experienced the power of God intimately tonight and spoke about it openly. I think people were even excited to share that intimacy afterward. I had not blogged for days as there’s no place to upload anything at the high school, but people began asking about it. I sensed they wanted to share their God-given moments in the rain from above and the rain of their tears with you. To let you know God is most certainly traveling with us!!

1800 gallons primer and latex acrylic paint $Oodles
Food for 400 $1000
Frozen Milk Shakes $400

Hug from a grateful Savannah native Priceless

Tears from a member of your group as they hold you in the pouring rain Priceless

Knowing God forgives you every day Priceless

Material renovation requires paint, brushes, sweat and toil (& milkshakes?!?)

For everything else, there’s The Spirit

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