Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Homeward Bound

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The theme for today was The Road Home.

A relatively quiet first day of the ride back ended with an overnight in Kentucky where the group was met by “a town without power”. After a fervent search for our ever-ready busdriver, the group set out in search of food that required no power. Alas, the Sonic Burger next door was also without power. After a walk of two blocks, however, God provided the power to arouse Bowling Green, Kentucky and the local Waffle House enough to get the crew fed.

Although, I was in absentia, a small bird informed me all were grateful for a real bed beneath their bodies and no wet clothing and towels above their bodies this most magnificent of evenings.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The theme for today was Hello Tosa.

The day began with a church service in the Mike Naumann's hotel room. It was short, sweet, but very nice. It was led by Mickie O'Brien. Hours later, the entire crew arrived safely home to Mt Zion at approximately 5:30 p.m. CST to a warm welcome.

Many good warm hugs were shared as folks packed the well-used tools and newly renovated and remarkable young adults into 10-15 family vehicles for a much-deserved journey to a warm, soft bed, hot, home-cooked food and a sharing of magnificent stories with family awaiting them.

Let the debriefing begin …

2400 miles logged $Ooodles
600 person hours of work in the heat Free of charge
Your Youth Stock Support $Thousands
Renovating the lives of our Church Youth Priceless

What it takes to get the job done requires Youth Stock Holders (& air mattresses?!?)

For everything else there’s The Spirit

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